Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Creating Good Habits

I found an interesting article on how long it takes to form a habit. You can read it here.

Yoga Yoga started the 40 Day Challenge on the belief that a new habit takes 40 days to form. This article eased my mind around a little stress I created internally during the challenge. What if I miss classes? (I did.) What if 40 days isn't enough? (It was.) How much change can I really make in 40 days?

That last question was the one mistake I feel I made in starting this challenge. The point of the challenge is to make one single change in every day life, consistently, to create a good, new habit. I, in true Megan fashion, took on the task of too many challenges at one time. It wasn't just going to class that I decided to change. It was also saying I would meditate every day. I would blog every day. I would read about yoga every day. I would tweet about yoga every day. All of this. Every. Single. Day.

Impossible. I can hardly fit all I want to in every day already. This challenge was very much an "eyes bigger than my stomach" situation. The above mentioned article stated that in their research, forming a new habit could take anywhere from 18-254 days. I feel like I hit my yoga habit around day 21. It was a day I felt really good about what I had been doing and knew that not continuing the practice was not an option for me. Yoga felt, and continues to feel, like a way of life for me. A way to live my life every day. Now that's a habit!

All of the other stuff I wanted to challenge myself to do can still happen. I am reading The Secret Power of Yoga every day now, because I feel, for me, it's very important to continue to learn the "how and why" of yoga. I have committed to continue blogging about this journey because I am excited about all of the experiences and feel motivated to share them. There won't be a blog post every day, because a habit doesn't have to be an every day occurrence, as long as it's consistent and, well, habitual.

On another note, someone asked me today what poses I thought were solving my life-long multiple chin issue. To that person, and to you all, I promise you it is Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog.) This is the pose that works basically every muscle in your body, including those in the neck. I will also warn you that it is addicting. It doesn't seem so at first, but once you get the hang of it, it feels SO good. The whole body stretches...pure awesomeness. Try to learn it today (here's a link) or even better, try out YogaGlo.com and find some beginner's classes that do Sun Salutations. The poses that take you into and out of Dog make it even more awesome.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 37

Can you even believe it's been 37 days?! I cannot. I feel like I just did my first class less than a week ago. Which is fun, because every time I go to a class it's like it is new to me in some ways, though some ways not. I'm always learning something new, though. This past weekend, I stumbled into a Hatha Star class taught by Kim, who teaches Anusara Yoga. In short, I ended up (on purpose) with my hands on the ground and my feet on the wall behind me, above my head and waist. It was AWESOME. It looked something like this, though not as graceful. :)

I'm changing the focus of this blog slightly because, obviously, this journey isn't just for 40 days. I really enjoy sharing what I learn along the way and I know that my learning has only just begun so this blog will continue on after Day 40. Just now I feel like I'm getting into a routine of what classes I want to go to when and which instructors seem to be the best fit for me. I've also had this insane craving to start running, which I've never done before (and have always despised the idea of), however there's a VERY large community of runners who yoga or yogis who run online and in Austin. We'll see where this new itch takes me.

Friday is the 40th day of the challenge and although I haven't been to an actual class everyday, I've found a way to practice Yoga in some Sutra form, everyday. And it really has made an incredible difference in my life. Stay tuned for Day 40 when I list all of the changes I've noticed!


Friday, April 8, 2011

Back From Sabbatical

I obviously took a break from blogging. I also took a break in my 40-day challenge.

RA is really a manic disease. While most of the time I feel great and something like yoga only does an RA body good, out of nowhere this disease can bring me down. Hard. And during this challenge I had been on SUCH a high, feeling so great and proud of my body for pushing through, I wasn't really prepared for what this 40-day challenge would look like if I had a flare ( a bout of disease symptoms). But I did have a flare and I dealt with it the best way I know how. Sleeping 10-15 hours a day and battling on-going fatigue plus joint cramps is never fun, but I've gotten through it and I'm on the upswing. Getting back into classes just in time for the 3rd and last leg of this race.

There are some great Yoga resources out there to support me (and YOU!) when getting to class just isn't an option. Below are some fantastic ways to continue a yoga practice, whether it is Asanas, Meditation, Visualization or just Education.

YogaGlo.com: YogaGlo is an online community of classes you can enjoy from the comfort of your own home. It's extremely affordable and there are SO MANY classes to choose from, led by truly amazing yoga teachers. If you're thinking about Yoga but are unsure if it's for you, try this affordable option and take the opportunity to try as many different classes as you have time for.

Yoga Journal: Yoga Journal is like the NPR of Yoga. Anything you'd like to know about it can be found here, including articles and updates, plus inspiring stories. When I talk abut Asanas, I usually link it to a pose on Yoga Journal because their pictures and instruction are so easy to understand.

Snatum Kaur: Snatum Kaur's voice is nothing short of magical. This music can truly transform a yoga practice of Asana and/or Meditation. Her lifelong (literally) yoga journey is amazing and inspiring and can be read here. I would encourage anyone seeking healing and practice through music to purchase some of her music.

Spirit Voyage: Spirit Voyage is the music mega-store of Yoga and Meditation music. Plus, you can find other cool yoga stuff there too, such a clothes and props. Great choices and affordable prices!

The Secret Power of Yoga: A great read that has joined me in this 40-day challenge. This book is special because it is the first time a woman has translated the Yoga Sutras. A very inspiring and uplifting read, Secret Power is a great way to understand the "how and why" of Yoga.

Going To Pieces Without Falling Apart: Someone gave me this book 15 years ago and it still sits next to my bed, there when I need a little perspective. Going to Pieces Without Falling Apart: A Buddhist Perspective on Wholeness by Dr. Mark Epstein is not a book intended to convert you to Buddhism. Rather, it serves more as a guide on how to live life more wholly, to forgive ourselves when we fail and to find valuable lessons in everything we do, even the mistakes. LOVE THIS BOOK. While it's not about Yoga directly, it is a great guide to creating a mindset of peace and understanding, both assets to any Yoga practice.

Thank you for your patience during my journey and for continuing to follow it, bumps in the road and all. I hope you are inspired to find a little peace and understanding in your life and feel like you have a good handful of resources to do so!
