Saturday, March 5, 2011

40 Ways To Do 40 Days

When I signed up for the 40-Day Yoga Challenge on the Yoga Yoga website, a letter from Mehtab (founder of Yoga Yoga) followed. I'd like to share it with you all.

40 Ways to Do 40 Days
by Mehtab, Founder

The idea behind our 40-Day Challenge at Yoga Yoga is to change your life in 40 days through a consistent practice of yoga. When you can apply yourself to anything for a 40-day period, you can create a powerful new habit. It’s a psychological fact and a long spiritual tradition.

And while we all may begin this life-changing journey with enthusiasm, there will be bumps along the way. Sign up for our latest Challenge here!

Here are some hints and suggestions to do your 40 days with 40 ways!

1. Start today.
2. Mark off days on a calendar.
3. Set up a daily email reminder on your computer.
4. Make a note card that says “Yoga” – put it on your pillow after you get up.
5. Get someone to be your 40-day yoga practice friend.
6. Make another positive change in your life at the same time (diet, exercise, etc.)
7. Create a routine, same time every day.
8. Reward yourself at the end of each week.
9. Talk about it (Facebook it!) so people will ask you how you are doing with it.
10. Read an inspiring book over the 40-days.
11. Visualize what you will be like after 40 days and write it down.
12. Write in a journal every day.
13. Keep it fresh, vary the setting.
14. Do it especially when you are traveling or away from home.
15. If you get sick, spend the time visualizing that you are doing your yoga.
16. Be realistic, set a small goal you know you can reach and then exceed.
17. Know you will hit a wall and be prepared to climb over it.
18. Watch for how your mind will try to trick you.
19. Be grateful.
20. Take the results into the real world.
21. All excuses are self-abuses.
22. Inspire someone else to do it.
23. Put a note in your car or on your computer – remind yourself of your higher self.
24. If you miss one day, never miss the next day.
25. If you miss one day, do it twice the next day.
26. If you miss one day, add a day.
27. If you miss one day, do another 40 days.
28. Document your avoidance behavior.
29. Take a picture of yourself after every week – before and after 40 days!
30. Remember why you did this in the first place.
31. Pray.
32. Laugh.
33. Remember it’s okay to feel bad when you are trying to be better.
34. Never negotiate with your mind – command it.
35. Not having the time is not acceptable.
36. Idiots think – saints do.
37. Keep up and you will be kept up
38. Think about your next 40 days.
39. The victory in life comes from winning the small battles.
40. Don’t stop


  1. Wow, some of these suggestions seem kind of harsh, like 36 for example.

    I heard this on my local NPR station today and thought you might find it inspiring/interesting.

    Have fun with it, honey!

  2. Oops, forgot the link!
