Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 4

Yesterday I missed class.

Actually, I didn't miss it. I had to make a very difficult and emotional decision not to go. I wanted to go so badly, but my body was saying "no way, mama." I was shaking so much that I couldn't even text message. Driving was pretty scary. I was exhausted beyond the point of sleep. This body was detoxing. I knew I wouldn't make it 5 minutes in class.

Luckily in my morning meditation I took time to do Cat Pose (Bidalasana) and Cow Pose (Bitilasana) and I sat half of my still time in Child's Pose (Balasana.) And on Mehtab's 40 Ways list, #15 says to visualize doing yoga if we're sick. So as I lay in bed last night, I closed my eyes and did the poses I knew I could visualize without getting them wrong.

I slept so peacefully. And today my body feels ready to continue this journey.

Evey yoga teacher is different. They teach differently, have different philosophies, and even their poses slightly differ. But every teacher, EVERY one, will say to listen to your body. I'm so glad I did because I know it was the right thing for my practice.

On another note, and speaking of Child's Pose (Balasana), if you're in need of relaxation and want to try a yoga pose, I would highly suggest Balasana. The link above has great directions on how to do it. Then, I'd suggest spending some time in Savasana, which I mentioned briefly in my post Day 3. Be sure to pull out a few blankets to support your knees and back!


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