Whoa. Is faster even the right word? This class, led by Hannah, was awesome and kicked my ass, but it was faster, harder and sweatier than any of my classes that came before it. I think I did Downward-Facing Dog, or Adho Muhka Svanasana, more in this class than I've ever done in my life. -A side note: I really look forward to the day when, in Downward-Facing Dog, my heels touch all the way to the ground. I digress. - Things were going along nicely and I was smart enough to set up shop in the back of class so I could get a full view of other students in poses to help me along (I'm normally the geek student in the front row.) Then two things happened:
1) Warrior III (Virabhadrasana III) - The first pose in Hatha I had not yet seen or attempted. Warrior I and Warrior II? Yes and yes. Love them. Feel confident I'm doing them right. But Warrior III, oh my. I thought I was going to fall on my head. I took the suggestion from Hannah to only do half Warrior III and leave my arms on the ground. But now I've issued myself a challenge, baby. I will dominate Warrior III!
2) Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana) - What the heck is Pigeon Pose? I heard this "Now we'll move into Pigeon Pose." I thought I heard her incorrectly, but she said it again and I saw the gal in front of me do this wonky thing with her right leg and I thought "Oh no. No way. My body doesn't do that." Perhaps Hannah picked up on my panic, for she started explaining how to do the pose and Holy Pigeon Pose, Batman! This pose was MADE for me. I have over-extending joints in my knees, elbows and hips so getting my hips to do this was no problem. Once I found the right place for all of my limbs, it was really quite comfortable. Win!
Pigeon Pose |
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